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Southern Equestrian Park Trust (SEPT)

The SEPT all weather arena is available for use, by individuals and user groups.

Use of the arena will be at the discretion of the Southern Equestrian Park Trustees.

All costs outlined below are GST inclusive.


All bookings for user groups, outside clinic use hire and casual arena hire are to be made through the Caretaker.

Dawn Ross - 027 644 9909.


Please check with the Caretaker before you arrive to confirm the availability of the arena.



John Price

021 649 090


Carol Dawson


Jane Allen

027 621 7245



Marlene Parkinson, Allie Harper

Show Jumping 

John Price, Malcolm McKee

Gore A&P Association  

Robyn Hicks, Robyn Clarke

Gore District Council

Keith McRobie, Stewart MacDonell

Eastern Southland Pony Club  

Abby Moseby

Riding for the Disabled  

Carol Dawson

SEPT Facebook Liaison
Melissa Proctor


Special Notice

Southern Equestrian Park Trust advise that ground fees for the arena are as follows:

The official charge now for Casual Arena Hire is $15.00, as from 1 November 2023.


We are encouraging any riders who use the arena on a Casual basis to consider paying the $138 for a Family Membership, which covers up to three riding family members from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.  This one off payment covers you and your family members for the unlimited use of the arena during that time and it also means you DO NOT have to pay any ground hire fee if you are attending a Coaching Clinic.


Coaching Clinic hire is $10 per horse, unless the rider has paid a current season Family Membership. 

List of Charges

Casual Arena Hire. 

This is $15.00 per horse/pony per session. 


  • Arena hire monies to be placed in an envelope provided at the Events Office (skyline garage) and put through the “slot” in the window, or alternatively given to the caretaker. 


  • Unfortunately SEPT trustees have noticed some casual users NOT paying their $15 per horse/pony, which has necessitated a visual recording device being installed to monitor arena use. 


Outside Clinic Use Hire

The ground hire charge is $10.00 per horse/pony per day, which includes the all-weather, main ring and grass areas.


  • The organiser of the clinic is responsible for collecting the $10.00 per horse/pony per day.  This payment can be made to the Caretaker or made by internet banking.  Confirmation of payment should be emailed to the Secretary on the User Group Payment Advice.


  • There is an option for outside Clinic Use to hire the Ring 3 SJ gear at the cost of $5.00 per horse/pony per day which is over and above the ground hire charge as set out above.  This to cover the maintenance of the gear and for replacing broken rails, etc.


Family Membership

$138 per annum, to run from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. 


  • A “Family Membership” can be for up to three members of one family i.e. Mum and two children, three children from one family, husband and wife, etc.). SEPT stipulates at the time of paying your membership fee that you supply your contact details and the names of those family members who propose to use the arena. 


  • If you have paid a current Family Membership then you will NOT be charged the $10.00 per horse/pony per day for Outside Clinic Use hire.


  • Download your Family Membership Application Form here and email your completed form to the Secretary.


  • A receipt for payment will be issued and your family name will appear on the whiteboard which shows current Family Membership holders in the Caretaker’s window.

Family membership

Hire List 

A Hire List form is required to be completed by all User Groups prior to each event held.  Download it here. 

We request that all User Groups complete this list of requirements and forward it by email to at least ten days prior to their event. 


This list will then be passed on the Caretaker and he will liaise with the User Group’s contact person.


User Group Payment Advice

Payment to be made by internet banking as set out on the Group Payment Advice.  Enquiries to the Secretary or the Caretaker.  Confirmation of User Group payments to be made to Secretary at above email address.

  • Download the User Group Payment Advice here.

  • User Group payments would be appreciated within one month of the competition date.  This assists with cash flow for expenses incurred.


Income apportionment as follows:

  • Arena hire for competition use, outside clinic hire, Ring 3 gear for clinic use and yard hire is payable to the Southern Equestrian Park Trust.

  • Horse box and Hokonui Pavilion hire is payable to the Gore A & P Association

  • Use of the main ring and outlying grass areas hire is payable to the A & P Joint Management Committee.


Yard and Horse Box will be as follows:

$10.00 per horse per weekend (one, two or three nights) yard hire (payable to SEPT)

$25.00 per horse per weekend horse box hire (payable to Gore A & P Assn).  Anyone wishing to hire a horse box for one night the charge will be $15.00.

Arena Rules 

  • Care of the arena is the responsibility of the user while under their use.

  • Signage around the arena is to be followed ie remove all manure from arena immediately and certainly by the end of each competition day (in the bins provided); don’t tie to fence; ride with a safety helmet at all times, etc   

  • No fast work.  Respect for other users’ safety is paramount.

  • Please keep vehicles and horses off the grass when wet.

  • Boxes (BUT NOT YARDS) can be used free of charge to accommodate horses for family membership and casual use of the arena ONLY, while other horses are being ridden on the arena.  BOXES TO BE LEFT CLEAN.                         

  • Entry on to SEPT arena will be via the south barred gates only. 

  • Vehicle entry to the Showgrounds to utilize the SEPT arena will be via Salford Street entrance.  In the event these gates are locked, entry can be gained via Bury Street.

  • Let’s all enjoy this facility by working together, being honest and respectful to all users.

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